Warning Against Early Voting


Date: Oct. 22, 2010
Issues: Elections

Once again, the politicians in power have figured out how to hold onto power by using the media to trick the People into giving up their rights. First, an extremely late primary in mid-September forced a very short general election campaign. In places like Prince George's County, it has been assumed that the election is already over, as special interest money poured into races for the primaries where as many as 10 people vied for a County Council seat, meanwhile a Senate Seat held by an incumbent that has been INDICTED has gone uncontested. Similarly, incumbents want you to rush out and vote almost 2 weeks ahead of election day so that challengers cannot reach voters with ads to inform them of the dirty tricks the incumbents have been up to, whether it's voting themselves a payraise during this economic recession, or attempting to destroy freedom of speech through mock debates and frivolous amendments to the Constitution. Furthermore, the down-ballot candidates and the ballot initiatives go unresearched by voters who only vote the top of the ticket and simply vote party-line. We are abdicating our right to self-government when we do this. We are allowing others to rule us, dictate what our lives will be like, and take our votes for granted rather than acknowledging that "We the People" are sovereign. Signs that tell the President, "We've got your back..." completely neglect the fact that he doesn't have ours. Whether it's his willingness to expand gay marriage, encourage homosexuality in the military, support illegal immigration, or encourage federal funds being used for abortion (against the will and consciences of taxpayers) he has done far more to destroy the Black Community than uplift it. If you truly believe that you are "Kings and Queens," then don't let others rule over you. Research the issues thoroughly, then vote on November 2nd.
